Our Investigations
These are the various Investigations in the Western Slope Area we've conducted thus far.
To start, we define our investigations into two categories. One, the "on call" investigations, where a potential client calls us to request our help and services. The other, are field investigations. Which we define as any investigation that we setup and conduct based upon local rumor or report of spiritual activity.
Like the rest of our homepage this is also under heavy construction
Rumored Haunted Locations
- Horse Thief Canyon-west of Grand Junction and connected to the Colorado National Monument. In the 19th century, horse thieves would bring their latest herd of horses here and hide them for a while. One night the sheriff surrounded the area and shat the thieves along with some of the horses. The spirit that haunts this place seems to be unrelated to the canyon's history. On certain nights a woman in a white dress has been spotted walking from canyon wall to canyon wall. Her background is unknown, but others have claimed to see her walking the banks of the Colorado River.
- The Elks Club- (GJ,CO)reports of 3 to 4 different shadows have been reported to have been seen in the building by members and employees. One shadow is said to have been a woman who died of unnatural causes in the building. Employees have reported trashcans that were left on the tables after mopping were thrown across the room, doors closing on their own, and voices have been heard.
- Hotel Colorado-(glenwood springs)Doors open and close by themselves, elevator goes up and down by itself, smell of cigar smoke when no one is smoking in lobby, a little girl in a Victorian dress playing on the staircase, and a murdered chambermaid who appears at night in the Devereux Room.
- Dolce Vita- (GJ,CO)Patrons and employee's of the restaurant report feelings of being watched but no one is there. The previous owner believes it's haunted and an employee had a strange experiance in the woman's restroom.When she entered the bathroom, she saw a figure of an elderly woman wearing turn-of-the-20th century clothes. The figure moved slightly, but the worker didn’t wait around to see what she might do.
- "P" Hill -(Paonia, CO)rumor's that the KKK once murdered blacks on the hill and the spirits of the dead remain.